Thursday, January 8, 2009

Officially New Year

It has so far been a week into 2009 and I am feeling good. I divided up my check yesterday as planned (1 of 52).

I actually woke up a 1/2 hour early this morning to work out! Yes, you didnt hear me wrong. I've been working out on/off for the last 3-4 months, but I hate to do the really intense ones at night, because then I have to shower, so I thought if I can wake up early, then I'll get my workout in, and then I dont need to make excuses at night!

Comcast on Demand is really a sweet thing! I've been doing "Walk Away The Pounds" shows, and Jillian from Biggest Loser (intenses ones from above). Having them on demand works out awesomely :)

Its not even that I really want to lose weight, I just dont want to gain more! I dont want to have to buy new jeans every 6 months. I just want to fit into the dozen pairs I have (different sizes from the last 3 years or so).

My promise to myself...I will NOT buy size 16 jeans. I just wont. If I have to wear sweatpants because I continue to gain weight then fine. I will not even buy another pair of size 14.

5 years ago (when I was 24) I weighed no more than 120. Now, 5 years later, I can only assume that I weight 160. I'm really ashamed that I've let myself get this out of control. I always wonder when I see some 200+ lb person, didn't they notice the weight gain, it doesnt come overnight. But hello...this is my wakeup call. If I DONT do something about it now, in 2-3 years, I WILL be 200 lbs.

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Bouncing Back said...

Hum, you know, you and I should have an on line challenge. I too have gained farr tooo much weight-most of it from the stress of the fiscal metltdown. I found a picture of me taken about 9 years ago, I was fit and trim. I'm not now! It just crept up on me.